Tips to Maintain a Healthy State of Mind in Times of Crisis

Even when times are tough, you can find hope to improve your situation.

Watching the news can often leave you feeling depressed. So, don’t watch it.

Guard your mindset.

Think about your situation. Are you facing difficult times?

Are the people around you stressed and anxious?

Dwelling on the negative is not going to help anyone.

Find your Purpose

Remember, you have a purpose in life. And maybe you have several purposes.

It’s very possible that your business might be struggling right now.

So, your primary purpose may be difficult to fulfill.

But you have another purpose you feel drawn to.

One of my mentors, Samurai Strategist Lori Whaley, shared an idea one day on a webinar I led with her. She discussed the Japanese concept of Ikigai, a reason for being. And it’s all about finding your life purpose.

According to Lori, “It is usually translated as life’s purpose, and refers to living a happy everyday life.” 

Your Ikigai is at the intersection of 4 points: What you love, what you are good at, what you can be paid for and what the world needs.

Lori encourages you to find your Ikigai, your life’s purpose.

Developing your Sense of Humor

You may find it helpful to brainstorm various ways you can add value to others.

This is really an out-of-the-box approach to looking for ways to help people.

Shifting gears, you may find it difficult to wake up in the morning and get started on something productive.

I want to share a tip you might find helpful…

Maintain your sense of humor.

I know, how can you possibly laugh when you see so much suffering in the world.

It’s a conundrum.

First, be sure to take the time to acknowledge human suffering.

Next, pray for a positive outcome.

Meditate and practice mindfulness.

Do yoga, if that helps. (I do.)

You may find that this helps to center you and restore a sense of calm.

By the way, I shouldn’t have to say this but turn off the news during this process. Otherwise, you are defeating the purpose of the exercise.

Tapping into Your Sense of Humor

Next, take time to laugh. You might watch a funny movie.

I enjoy listening to stand-up comedians. One of my favorites is Jim Gaffigan. His material is pretty clean and it makes me laugh.

Laughter heals.

And it puts you in a positive state of mind.

Once you reach this state, you can now tap into your creativity.

You have restored a sense of balance in your brain and you can now get stuff done.

Here are some of the benefits of reaching this state of mind:

-Feeling calm

-Easier to plan projects

-Feeling like you can take on the world

-Open to talking with others

-Easy to create content

-Feel like tackling technical projects

-Open to delegating tasks

-More positive interactions on social media

You see, if you can get back into a healthy state of mind, you will be in a much better place to get something done.

Releasing your Pain and Grief

And we are living in a time when you need to do a lot of things.

Your schedule has changed.

Your income may have dropped.

You’re not sure how to market your business.

You’re reviewing your expenses.

Doing anything is more difficult. It’s not uncommon to find shortages of products at the store.

There are so many decisions that have to be made.

Every day feels like a week.

The challenges we are going through right now will eventually end.

But not after a lot of pain and heartache.

Don’t try to take on the weight of the world.

If you feel like the world is crashing down on you, then you are allowing your life to be dictated by your emotions.

Learn how to release the pain and the grief.

On a daily basis, practice this process to reach a state of peak performance so you can make progress and accomplish your goals.

I am currently feeling extremely creative and I am making massive progress right now in spite of all the chaos.

Let me shine a light into your own life so that you can step up and accomplish more.

People are counting on you.