30 Day Marketing Challenge Entries

Welcome members of the 30 Day Marketing Challenge!

Click here for more information about the 30 Day Marketing Challenge

*1st Place: Marketing Momentum Coaching Program ($695 Value)
*2nd Place: Social Media & Online Networking Mastery Program ($533 Value)
*3rd Place: WordPress Webinar Video ($99 Value)

How to Earn Points:
-You will receive 1 point for each new blog post to your site
-You will receive 1 point for each new article you submit to EzineArticles.com

How to submit an entry for a blog post in the Challenge:

1) Post new content to your blog

2) Copy the link to the blog post

3) Post a comment on this page with a link to your blog post. Put the website address in the URL field. In your comment, include your name and the title of your blog post.

How to submit an entry for an article in the Challenge:

1) Write a new article and submit it to EzineArticles.com

2) After the article is approved, copy the link to the web page

3) Post a comment on this page with a link to your article. Put the website address in the URL field. In your comment, include your name and the title of your article.

I will post links to all entries on my website and will send people to the page from email and social media.

The contest starts now, so start writing content!

Good luck!


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  1. This is post #1 for the Challenge: “Is Traditional Advertising Working for Your Restaurant Business?” http://localmarketingonlineportstlucie.com/traditional-advertising-working-for-your-restaurant-business/

    I’m looking forward to reading lots of great posts and articles and supporting other bloggers during the Challenge and beyond.

  2. 30 Day Marketing Challenge posting – Thanks Rick, for the opportunity. I’m looking forward to reading some great content.
    Title: Chlorine Free Pool Systems – How do you disinfect the Water in your Swimming Pool?

  3. Here is Post #2 – “How to Identify Customer Needs and Provide Solutions” http://qualitycustomersatisfaction.com/how-to-identify-customer-needs-and-provide-solutions/
    It’s more challenging for online marketers to identify customer needs, but one effective strategy is to find out where they hang out and the questions they’re asking.

    Thank you.

  4. Here’s my blog post:ed on 6-5-12, Three Things Entrepreneurs Can Do to Reduce Stress:



    1. Nice post Deidra. I made a comment on your blog.

  5. You have to disinfect your pool. What are your options? Click here to read about the choices you have.

  6. Today’s post is regarding Marketing and LinkedIn: “Are You Marketing On LinkedIn with Good Results?”

    Deidra, I left my comment on your post on your blog.l

  7. Hi Rick

    Here is my post #1 for the Challenge:
    “3 Easy Exercises to Sound Authoritative in Your Video or Audio”

    Thanks for providing this opportunity!

  8. Is the Copper Ionizer Effective for Pools?

  9. Today’s post is about using makeup effectively in videos in order to better market your business.
    “Men Need Makeup . . . ”


  10. Wow to all of you inspiring posters above! And… today’s gratitude strangely enough is all directed toward accountability. I took the plunge. Here are my first two blog posts in my life:

    1.) Time to buy your Own Place in Seattle

    2.) Ten Ways to Expand Your Seattle Home Purchasing Power

    Baby steps, right?

  11. While we have no control over what others may say about us and our business online, it’s critical to make sure that you have systems in place for online reputation management. Here is Part 1 of this topic. Are you managing your online reputation?


  12. Lynn, Having been in the skin care and color cosmetics business for almost 13 years, I can appreciate your point that sometimes we need makeup to look natural. Sounds like a paradox, but makes a lot of sense.

    These are really great tips and strategies, because I have reservations about doing videos with my face for some of the reasons you mentioned –the effect that lighting can have on ones appearance.

    This will be one of my “keeper posts” for reference when I decide to make those videos I’ve been putting off. 🙂

    • Deidra Miller on June 13, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    Here’s my blog post, Three Tips to Help Keep Your Business Organized:



  13. I just posted a new blog post at http://PresentationsWithResults.com/blog

  14. Post #3: The #1 Mistake made by Video Marketers


  15. Rick, I updated my blog post to include a picture . . . and added a little more content while I was at it. Thanks for the nudge about the graphics! This is the same post as before, so don’t count it twice, but here’s the link again: http://presentationswithresults.com/?p=474

  16. Chlorine Free Pool System Ionization is Faster Acting and Longer Lasting than Chlorine

  17. Point #4
    My article “3 Easy Exercises to Sound Authoritative in Your Video or Audio”
    has been successfully published by ezine articles. Link follows:


  18. Point #5
    My article “The Number 1 Mistake Made by Video Marketers”
    has been successfully published by ezine articles. Link follows:

  19. Point #6
    New blog post title: “3 Secret (Free!) Tools for Making Video Without a Camera”

  20. If you sell any type of products, good business inventory control will help you to provide customer satisfaction

  21. Susan, Some interesting concepts in your blog that could really ‘stir’ things up a little during a presentation. Thanks for the suggestions.

  22. Point #7
    My article “Men Need Makeup”
    has been successfully published by ezine articles. Link follows:

  23. Point #8
    New blog post “Exposed! 5 Myths of YouTube Success”

  24. Point #9
    My article “Exposed! 5 Myths of YouTube Success”
    has been successfully published by ezine articles. link follows:
    Category: Marketing

  25. I’m really enjoying reading all of the great material. Thanks to you all.

    Here’s another post for my healthy alternative to chlorine for pools and hot tubs.

    Copper – Number One Amongst the Top Chlorine Alternatives for Swimming Pools

    Have a great day!

  26. I now have a blog site working with the help of Rick Cooper. you can view it at trholthus.com

  27. Here’s my first blog in a series on free software tools I use (this time it’s about Microsoft OneNote):


    1. I never really thought about using OneNote until reading this. Good advice. Thank you.

  28. Just posted my 3rd blog post (as draft for Rick’s review).

    Seattle Home Location Value Part 1
    Here’s the link: http://wp.me/p2qhRq-8i

  29. “Using Story Structure for Better Presentations”

    New blog just posted at: http://presentationswithresults.com/?p=494

  30. I’ve been pretty quiet and have to catch up on reading some of the posts here. This is my latest post, which is Part 2 on Reputation Management : http://localmarketingonlineportstlucie.com/manage-your-online-reputation-protect-your-business/

    1. Great article and advice. I posted a comment on the site for you. Many thanks.

  31. If you have a pool or hot tub and want a viable alternative chlorine check out http://CleanHealthyPool.com/products/clean-healthy-pool/

    My latest blog post is called ‘Swimming Pool Ionization Systems – Positive and Negative Charge’
    at http://cleanhealthypool.com/?p=146

  32. There is a viable alternative to chlorine…

    Chlorine Free Swimming Pool with Transition Metal Ionizer

    Thanks to Susan, Yvonne, Deidra, Lynn, and Jim for some great content.

    1. Thank you, Karen. I don’t have a swimming pool, but I’m learning about things that can be used to keep your pool healthy from you. Happy blogging!

      1. Thanks Yvonne. I appreciate your interest and your comment. It’s a great product line and I’m happy to spread the word that there is a healthy alternative.
        And happy blogging to you also. 🙂

  33. Please view our most recent blog post:

    Seattle Real Estate Market Trends


  34. Thanks for taking time to visit our website and viewing our most recent blog post

    Eastside Real Estate Market Trends Report (Bellevue, Issaquah, Kirkland and Redmond, WA)


    If you have a friend or relative who lives in the Greater Seattle, WA area and would benefit from
    our real estate services, please forward them this link.

    Thank you!

  35. In my blog today I passed on a great idea for your About Me page and Facebook page app:


    • Deidra on June 27, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    Saw this article on Mashable that I wanted to pass on in my blog:


  36. It’s important to carve out time each day to grow your network on social media in order to increase your visibility and your business.

  37. Here is my latest article which was approved by ezinearticles.com today. “Online Reputation Management: Protect Your Business with Effective Monitoring Strategies”


  38. Just published my first article on Ezinearticles.com! It won’t be approved for a few days, but its title is: How Outsourcing Can Help You Optimize Your Business, and it talks about how outsourcing your administrative work to a virtual administrator can give you more time to focus on revenue-generating activities you need to do to build your business.

    1. Congratulations on your first article, Deidra. Way to go!

  39. LinkedIn Announced Changes to Sharing with Twitter.

    Change is constant with social media. Keeping updated is essential.

  40. Point #10
    New blog post “Never Ever Start a Video This Way”

  41. I actually posted this on Friday (as you’ll see from the post date) but just forgot to come over here and put it in your comments.


  42. Point #11

    My article, “Never Ever Start a Video This Way”, has been accepted and published on EzineArticles.com:
    Category: Business> Marketing

    When does this contest end ? I have no idea!

  43. Today’s blog post is

  44. I’ve been out of town so I’m catching up here. 😉

    This blog post is titled “Copper Ionization Pool Systems – Choice for All Swimmers”
    It was posted on 6/30/12.

  45. Here’s another blog post in my series on neuromarketing for small business:

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